Opis proizvoda
Čistač laka i naplataka 50ml CARPRO IRON X CLEANER CHERRY
Kako koristiti:
1. Operite auto ili naplatke, pobrinite se da je površina ohlađena
2. Dobro protresite, nasprejajte na površinu, dobro i temeljito utrljajte vlažnom spužvicom, pričekajte 5 min. dok se ne promijeni boja u ljubičastu/crvenu, obrišite vlažnom mekanom spužvom. IronX se može sušiti na površini, ali ne pod suncem!
3. Dobro isprati i oprati cijelu površinu. Auto je spreman za glinu.
Prosječna potrošnja po srednjoj klasi automobila: 100 – 150ml. Rok trajanja: 1 godina ukoliko se drži zatvoreno na hladnom i suhom mjestu. IronX je vrlo važno koristiti prije C.quartz primjene.
Pakiranje: 50ml
Mjere opreza: 1. Da bi bili sigurni,isprobajte na slabo vidljivom području.2.Može se korsititi na neobojenim plastičnim dijelovima i gumama mogu proširiti. Ne dopustiti da se osuši. Dobro isprati. 3. Izbjegavajte raditi na izravnom suncu ili toploj površini. 4. Izbjegavajte prskanje na kočionim kliještima. IronX je siguran na 3M zaštitnim folijama i kromu! 5. Radite na adekvatno ventiliranom prostoru (preporučujemo korištenje maske za lice). 5. Operite ruke nakon rukovanja.
Highly effective, acid-free and pH balanced (6~7pH) car paint, wheels & glass cleaner (safe for all wheels including aluminum/Chromes/Anodized and alloys). This formulation is also effective and safe for use on all car surfaces and will not deteriorate clear coats. This preventative measure puts a stop to corrosion , IronX contains unique chemical ingredients that effectively dissolves the sintered iron by forming a water soluble iron complex. No other method cleans paint and wheels as deeply as IronX. The IronX Paint and wheels Decontamination System was developed as a method of removing paint contamination beyond what can be removed by washing or claying !!. If you are familiar with detail clay, you know it is capable of removing above surface contaminants that have bonded to the paint. The IronX is designed to remove what lies below the paint surface.
Airborne chemical compounds and ferrous particles – particles containing iron – actually penetrate the paint and create corrosive compounds that eat deep into the paint’s sub-layers or paint’s pin-holes. This is a gradual process that often is not evident until it’s too late. Claying or polishing only removes the particle, not its effects, which are continuing to spread beneath the surface.
During the use of your vehicle, brake dust and road grime become sintered to the surface of the car paint , rims and wheels due to the high temperature conditions they are normally exposed. Brake dust contains high levels of iron and once sintered to the rim, becomes extremely difficult to dissolve or remove without the use of harsh chemicals. IronX opens up the paint’s pores to release ferrous particles and to neutralize caustic compounds that have developed in the paint’s subsurface. Ongoing damage is immediately stopped and future damage is prevented by removing the ferrous particles.
IronX sprays on as a thick, transparent, as the cleansing liquid begins to work into the dirt and grime, the formula begins to turn purple/ red. The purple/red coloration is the IronX Cleaner forming a bond to the sintered iron on the car paint and wheel and changing its state to a water soluble complex for easy removal. Stubborn, baked on grime may take a small amount of agitation. Rinse car paint and wheels thoroughly with a power washer and wipe dry.
The IronX is used by body shops for pre-cleaning prior to detailing and by dealerships for new and used car prep. It is proven to deliver a clean, glassy smooth vehicle that is protected from the harmful effects of paint contamination. No other is as fast and effective at removing
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